
1991  Merlín Prize: Dúas bágoas por Máquina.Dúas bágoas por máquina
1992Runner up for the Feliciano Rolán Prize.
1993First Prize for the Short Narative of Casa de Galicia de LeónA rosquilleira.A rosquilleira
1994O Barco de Vapor Prize: O misterio dos fillos de Lúa.
1995Edebé Prize: O estanque dos parrulos pobres.O estanque dos parrulos pobres
1996National Children’s and Young Adult Literature Prize: O misterio dos fillos de Lúa.
1996Ciudad de Pontevedra Prize.
1998Included in the selection of “The White Ravens da Internationale Jugend Bibliothek of München” awards: ¡Prohibido casar, papá!
1999Third in the Álvaro Cunqueiro Prize for Gastronomical Journalism: Repostería en Galicia.Repostería en Galicia
2001“Puro Cora” Prize.
2001Lecturas Prize-Winner convened by GÁLIXO misterio do cemiterio vello.O misterio do cemiterio vello
2003Medalla Castelao medal from the Xunta de Galicia.
2003Silver plate from SM Editorial for selling 100.000 copies of the novel “The mystery of Lúa kittens”: El misterio de los hijos de Lúa.El misterio de los hijos de Lúa
2003Benito Soto Prize: Filla das ondas.Filla das ondas
2004“Fernández del Riego 2003” Prize.
2004Distinguished Galician award for the collective of Dialogos 90.
2005Pontevedra Book Fair Award (by the Pontevedra Booksellers Association).
2006Included in the selection of “The White Ravens da Internationale Jugend Bibliothek de München”.: ¿Quen me quere adoptar?Quén me quere adoptar
2007“IRMANDADE DO LIBRO. Auther of the year” Award from the Galician Bookseller Federation 2007.
2007Finalist Prize-Winner for Premios Edición Galicia 2007 Award: Xela volveuse vampira!!Xela volveuse vampira
2008“Ramón Cabanillas” Prize.
2009Frei Martín Sarmiento Prize: A lagoa das nenas mudas.A lagoa das nenas mudas
2009Candidate proposed by OEPLI, for the 2010 ASTRID LINDGREN Prize.
2009Finalist for the Hache 2010 Prize (Cartagena).
2011Galician candidate, put forward by GÁLIX, for the 2012 ASTRID LINDGREN Prize.
2011In the culture section she wrote a piece on Potevedresa in the year 2010 (Diario de Pontevedra y Nova Caixa Galicia two galician Newspapers)
2013“Xosé María Álvarez Blázquez. Auther of the year” Prize by the Galician Editors Asociation (Asociación Galega de Editores, AGE).
2013Outstanding Books List 2013 Oslo, Norway. For the book O neno can.O neno can
2014Frei Martín Sarmiento Prize: O neno can.O neno can
2015Cultura Galega (Letras) Prize.
2016“Bos e xenerosos” Prize. Eduardo Pondal Fundation (Ponteceso).
2017Picadillo Prize. Dissemination of Galician gastronomy. Fórum Gastronómico (A Coruña).
2018“Rosa dos ventos” Prize. Santiago Apóstol School. Buenos Aires (Argentina).
2020Finalist Prize Matín Codax of Music: Lingua guapa. Cantos que contan
2022Prize “Josefa Fariña”. Promotion of Equality. Culture Section. CIFP A Xunqueira. (Pontevedra).
2023Spanish candidate, put forward by Spanish Organization for Children’s and Youth Books, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Xunta de Galicia, for the HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN 2024 Prize.
2023“Letter E” of “Writter in her Land” (Association of Writers in the Galician Language).
2023“Outstanding career” at the Pontevedra Book Festival.
2023Candidate proposed by OEPLI, for the 2024 ASTRID LINDGREN Prize.

Honorary distinctions

1994   List of Honours from CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil – Children and young adults Literature award): Chamizo. Chamizo
1995List of Honours from CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil – Children and young adults Literature award): ¡Asústate, Merche!Asústate Merche
1996Gold Emblem from the Moraña Town Hall.
1996List of honours from CCEI: El estanque de los patos pobres.El estanque de los patos pobres
1996List of Honours from CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil – Children and young adults Literature award): O estanque dos parrulos pobres.O estanque dos parrulos pobres
1998List of Honours from CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil – Children and young adults Literature award): ¡Puag, que asco!
1999Included in the selection for “The Best of the Decade” by CLIJ: ¡Puag, que noxo!O misterio dos fillos de Lúa.
1999Homage to the collection of work entitled Galician Letters, by the Monte Blance Association of Pontecesco (A Coruña).
1999Silver & Gold insignia from the Cultural Ascociation of Santa Cecilia in Marín (Pontevedra).
1999List of Honours from CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil – Children and young adults Literature award): Ás de mosca para Anxo.Ás de mosca para Anxo
2000Gold insignia from the Cultural Ascociation of “Friends of Pontevedra“.
2001List of Honours from CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil – Children and young adults Literature award): Pimpín e dona gata.Pimpín e dona gata
2002Candidate for the list of honours of International IBBY International Board on Books for young People: Ás de mosca para Anxo.Ás de mosca para Anxo
2003List of Honours from CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil – Children and young adults Literature award): Cando a Terra esqueceu xirar.Cando a Terra esqueceu xirar
2007List of Honours from CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil – Children and young adults Literature award): A lagoa das nenas mudas.A lagoa das nenas mudas
2007List of Honours from CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil – Children and young adults Literature award): O meu avó é unha gata.O meu avó é unha gata
2007List of Honours from CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil – Children and young adults Literature award): ¿Quen me quere adoptar?Quén me quere adoptar
2007List of Honours from CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil – Children and young adults Literature award): Isha, nacida do corazón.Isha nacida do corazón
2008Member of the PEN Club since the 12th of January 2008
2008List of honours from CCEI: Apertas de vainilla.Apertas de vainilla
2009List of honours from CCEI: La paloma y el paloma y el degollado
2009Honoured author in the X International Exhibition of the Children’s and Young Adult’s literature in Pontevedra.
2010Writer of the month (February). AELG – Galician Language Writers As-sociation.
2010The Monteporreiro (Pontevedra) Public School for Early Child Education has now changed its name to EEI FINA CASALDERREY.
2011List of Honours from CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil – Children and young adults Literature award): Fiz, o coleccionista de medos.Fiz o coleccionista de medos
2013GÁLIX Honorary Partner.
2016 “Caxato de Avelino”. Avelino Pousa Fundation.
2017“Godmother” of the school library. CEIP CARBALLAL. Marín, Pontevedra.
2023List of Honours from CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil – Children and young adults Literature award): O xenio da cidade do sal.

* Translated by Minia Vázquez Alonso ([email protected])

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