Below are the books which have been translated from it’s original language of Galician into English.
Below are works published in Galician which have not been translated into English.
Filla das ondas (Kalandraka Editora, Pontevedra, 2024) Translated into Spanish. | |
Un día con papá (Book/Disc. Author of texts and poems. Author of the music: Víctor Castro. Edicións Embora, A Coruña, 2021) | |
O xenio da Cidade do Sal (Book/Disc. Author of the text. Author of the music: Luis Soto. Editorial Xerais, Vigo, 2021) | |
LINGUA GUAPA. Cantos que contan… (Book/Disc. Co-author with Néstor Blanco. Editorial Galaxia, 2020) [YouTube 1] [YouTube 2] [YouTube 3] [YouTube 4] | |
Caderno de bitácora (Historias para coñecermos Vigo: Oia, Canido) (Editorial Elvira, 2019) | |
A furgoneta branca (Editorial Xerais, Vigo, 2019) | |
María Victoria Moreno. A muller que dormía pouco e soñaba moito (Co-author with Marilar Aleixandre. Editorial Xerais, Vigo, 2018) | |
O segredo de Zoe (Tambre, 2016) | |
Icía quere cambiar o mundo (Parlamento de Galicia, 2015) | |
Historia da bicicleta dun home lagarto (Xerais, Vigo, 2014) Translated into Spanish, Spanish (Mexican Edition) and Chinese. | |
Cuca e o abrigo marrón (Edebé, Barcelona, 2014) Translated into Spanish and Spanish (Argentina Edition). | |
O misterio do Faro Vello (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 2012) | |
O neno can (co-author) (Editorial Galaxia, Vigo, 2012) Outstanding Books List 2013 Oslo, Norway. Frei Martín Sarmiento Prix 2014. Translated into Spanish, Catalan and Serbian. | |
Un misterio na mochila de Alba (Editorial Oxford, 2011) Translated into Spanish and Italian. | |
¿E ti que farías por min? (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 2010) | |
Un saco de estrelas (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 2010) | |
Pesadelo no tren chocolate (Editorial Galaxia, Vigo, 2009) Translated into Catalan and Spanish. | |
Fiz, o coleccionista de medos (OQO, 2009) List of honours from CLIJ 2011. Translated into Spanish, Basque, French, Italian, Portuguese and English. | |
Papá e meu (Editorial Galaxia, Vigo, 2009) | |
1 pulga, 5 amigos e un tándem (Pontevedra Council, 2009) Translated into Braille | |
A pequena gardiana (Collection of Paintings from the Museum of Fine Arts in Coruña, 2008) | |
O misterio da casa do pombal (Ediciones SM, Madrid, 2008) Translated into Spanish. | |
Ola, estúpido monstro peludo! (Editorial Galaxia, Vigo, 2007) Translated into Valencian and Spanish. | |
Un cabalo de lume (Baía Edicións, A Coruña, 2007) Translated into Catalan, Spanish, Valencian and Basque. | |
Xela volveuse vampira!! (Baía Edicións, A Coruña, 2007) Finalist Prize-Winner for Premios Edición Galicia 2007 Award. Translated into Spanish. | |
Apertas de vainilla (Editorial Galaxia, Vigo, 2007) List of honours from CCEI 2008. Translated into Spanish and Spanish (Mexican Edition). | |
Gordiño Recheo (Ediciones SM, Madrid, 2007) Translated into Spanish and Spanish (Mexican Edition). | |
A Pomba e o Degolado (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 2007) List of honours from CCEI 2009. Translated into Spanish, Valencian and English. | |
A lagoa das nenas mudas (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 2007) Frei Martín Sarmiento Prix 2009. List of honours from CLIJ 2007. Translated into Valencian and bilingual translation into English/Spanish. | |
Un día de caca e vaca (Baía Edicións, A Coruña, 2006) Translated into Catalan, Spanish, Valencian and Basque. | |
¡¡¡Lume!!! (Rodeira, A Coruña, 2006) Translated into Catalan, Spanish and Chinese. | |
Isha, nacida do corazón (Rodeira, A Coruña, 2006) List of honours from CLIJ 2007. Translated into Catalan, Braille, Spanish and Spanish (Mexican Edition). | |
¿Quen me quere adoptar? (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 2005) Included in the selection of “The White Ravens da Internationale Jugend Bibliothek de München”. 2006. List of honours from CLIJ 2007. Translated into Korean, Spanish and Spanish (Colombian Edition). | |
O meu avó é unha gata (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 2005) List of honours from CLIJ 2007. Translated into Catalan, Spanish, Valencian and Basque. | |
Un misterio na mochila de Alba (Editorial Planeta & Oxford, Barcelona, 2005) Translated into Spanish. | |
Eu son eu (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 2004) Translated into Valencian, Basque , Spanish, bilingual translation into English/Valencian and bilingual translation into English/Spanish. | |
Filla das ondas (Kalandraka Editora, Pontevedra, 2003) “Benito Soto” Prix 2003. Translated into Spanish. | |
¡Un can no piso! ¿E que? (Editores Asociados: Editorial Galaxia, Vigo, 2003) Translated into Catalan, Spanish, Basque, Asturian and Aragonese. | |
O avó é sabio (Combel Editorial, Barcelona, 2002) Translated into Catalan and Spanish. | |
O avó sae de paseo (Combel Editorial, Barcelona, 2002) Translated into Catalan, Braille and Spanish. | |
A avoa non quere comer (Combel Editorial, Barcelona, 2002) Translated into Catalan and Spanish. | |
A avoa ten unha menciña (Combel Editorial, Barcelona, 2002) Translated into Catalan, Portuguese, Braille and Spanish. | |
Derradeira carta ós Reis Magos (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 2002) Translated into Spanish. | |
Desventuras dun lobo namorado (Editorial Galaxia, Vigo, 2002) Translated into Spanish. | |
Cando a Terra esqueceu xirar (Ediciones SM, Madrid, 2002) List of honours from CLIJ 2003. Translated into Korean, Braille and Spanish. | |
Un saco de estrelas Un saquiño de contos. (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 2001) | |
A máscara de palma (Editorial Galaxia, Vigo, 2000) | |
Unha pantasma branca (Editorial Everest, León, 2000) Translated into Spanish. | |
Bicos de prata (Ir Indo, Vigo, 2000) | |
O misterio do cemiterio vello (Ediciones SM, Madrid, 1999) Lecturas Prize-Winner 2001 convened by GÁLIX Translated into Braille, Spanish and Spanish (Mexican Edition). | |
Pimpín e Dona Gata (Ediciones SM, Madrid, 1999) List of honours from CLIJ 2001. Translated into Spanish. | |
Ás de mosca para Anxo (Editorial Anaya, Madrid, 1998. Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 2002) List of honours from CLIJ 1999. Translated into Catalan, Korean, Braille, Spanish, Valencian and Basque. | |
Nolo e os ladróns de leña (Ediciones SM, Madrid, 1998) Translated into Spanish. | |
Unha raíña negra (Edebé, Barcelona, 1998) Translated into Spanish. | |
Podesvir (Sotelo Blanco Edicións, Santiago de Compostela, 1997) | |
¡Puag, que noxo! (Editores Asociados: Galaxia, Vigo, 1997) Included in the selection for “The Best of the Decade” by CLIJ 1999. Translated into Catalan, Spanish, Basque, Valencian and Asturian. Interactive story for iPad’s and iPhone’s from the ‘Contoplanet’ library found on the Apple Store (2010) | |
¿Sobrevives? (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 1996) Translated into Catalan, Braille and Spanish. | |
¡Prohibido casar, papá! (Editorial Galaxia, Vigo, 1996) Included in the selection of “The White Ravens da Internationale Jugend Bibliothek of München” awards. 1998. Translated into Spanish, Valencian, Portuguese, Brasilian, Basque and Braille. | |
O estanque dos parrulos pobres (Edebé, Barcelona, 1996) Edebé Prix 1995. List of honours from CCEI 1996. List of honours from CLIJ 1996. Translated into Korean, Catalan, Braille, Spanish and Basque. | |
O misterio dos fillos de Lúa (Ediciones SM, Madrid, 1995) O Barco de Vapor Prize 1994. National Children’s and Young Adult Literature Prize 1996. Included in the selection for “The Best of the Decade” by CLIJ. 1999. Translated into Catalan, Portuguese, Braille, Breton, Cornish and Spanish. | |
¡Asústate, Merche! (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 1994) List of honours from CLIJ 1995. Translated into Catalan, Braille, Spanish and Portuguese. | |
Chamizo (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 1994) List of honours from CLIJ 1994. Translated into Basque. | |
A noite dos Coroides (Vía Láctea, A Coruña, 1993) | |
Dúas bágoas por Máquina (Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 1992) Merlín Prix 1991 Translated into Spanish, Braille, Valencian and Basque. | |
Mutacións Xenéticas (Vía Láctea, A Coruña, 1991. Edicións Xerais, Vigo, 1998) Translated into Valencian and Braille. |
* Translated by Minia Vázquez Alonso ([email protected])